Project examples & Industry practices
Automotive | Construction & Construction materials | Energy | Healthcare & medical oxygen | Logistics | Petrochemicals | Railway transportation machinery | Textile – manufacturing & professional laundry services | Waste management & recycling | Wood processing | IT&C, Software, E-solutions | Industrial Research

Project profile
Upgrading a factory for the production of brikstones, investment volume 4 mil EUR in acquisition of equipment and machinery, local portfolio enterprise of an international investment fund.
Upgrading the production activity of AAC materials by integrating state-of-the art technology into the current process flow with the purpose of significantly improve the operational and environmental performance and reducing waste; Investment volume EUR 1,6 mil. for acquisition of equipment and machinery.
Winnovart role
Business plan. and full application file for funding resulting in a 1,75 mil EUR investment grant.
Grant management, specialised workshops with the project management team for the implementation of their EUR 0,78 mil. investment grant.