Winnovart News

UK innovation funding – up to GBP 30,000 attributed to knowledge transfer partnership projects designated to improve business competitiveness through funded partnerships with universities and colleges | Winnovart

Written by dccadmindcc | April 22, 2017

Knowledge transfer partnerships (KTPs) represent a three way collaboration partnership between a business, an academic and a graduate, which help businesses innovate and grow. A KTP can last between 12 to 36 months and can help a business get the academic expertise, which cannot be built in house. KTPs are partially grant funded, depending on the scale, length of the project and size of the company (SMEs can receive an average annual contribution per project of GBP 23,000, whereas large companies can get up to GBP 30,000).

For more information on funding conditions and requirements please access the programme – dedicated website.

Categories: 2017, UK Innovation Funding | Permalink