Funding advisory

Bilateral dimension development under EEA&Norway grants
In the context of the EEA&Norway grants, the bilateral dimension of projects is an opportunity. Through bilateral partnership with various organizations from the Donor States (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway), Project Promoters can get access to valuable expertise and know – how from leading organizations. Such partnerships can also contribute to your international expansion towards the Nordic markets, as well as to a superior international visibility of the projects and companies involved.
At Winnovart, we are always encouraging project promoters to consider this opportunity. At the same time, having worked many times on building up such partnerships, we know that cooperation between organizations from Central-Eastern or Southern Europe and markets like Norway and Iceland is difficult to create, as there is a limited trade history between these regions.
This is why we are offering you a range of services dedicated to this opportunity: bilateral partnerships in the context of the EEA&Norway grants:
- Bilateral readiness assessment
- Practical workshop on building up a bilateral dimension
- Project profile promotion to Donor States organizations
- Full bilateral dimension development service
Enquire this service by filling in our funding readiness questionnaire indicating “bilateral dimension service needed for EEA & Norway grants” under the section “Other specific comments”. Alternatively, contact us with a short message to discuss this directly.