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EEA Grants for improving the energy efficiency in the Romanian industry

The funding programme under the EEA and Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009- 2014 will reopen in the near future, with an improved form as compared to the previous call (2014), which was cancelled.

The main objective of the programme is to improve energy efficiency in the Romanian industry, especially in those industries with high pollution and high energy consumption.

Eligible Applicants are SMEs from most of the manufacturing industries (→ List of eligible sectors) that develop and apply at least one measure/set of measures for energy efficiency and energy savings.

The programme covers a wide range of Eligible Expenses:
– Purchase of new equipment (and/or depreciation of existing equipments in certain conditions)
– Gross salaries of staff assigned to the project
– Travel expenses for staff taking part in the project
– Expenses of consumables and supplies necessary for the project
– External Contracts / subcontracting for implementing the project
– Programme specific mandatory expenses (eg specific assessment information dissemination actions, audits, translations, reproduction), including the costs of any financial services (especially the expenses of financial guarantees)
– Indirect expenses of the project

Eligible Projects include, for example, investments in:
– Improving the energy efficiency of electric drive systems (for example, increase the use of electronic controls, variable speed drives, integrated application systems, frequency converter, high-efficiency electric engines, replacement of the entire drive system with a high-efficiency system)
– Replacing obsolete and oversized equipment (for example, power transformers, compressors, engines, etc.)
– Improving energy efficiency of heating and cooling systems (for example, use of heat pumps, replacement of the existing boilers with new and high-efficiency boilers, modernization of the industrial heating/cooling systems)
– Improvement of the energy efficiency of lighting systems (for example, replacement of the existing lamps with new and efficient lamps, use of digital control systems, movement sensors for lighting systems)

other examples of eligible projects.

The programme encourages the development of partnerships between Romanian enterprises and companies from the Donor States (Norway, Iceland or Liechtenstein).

The total budget available for co-financing of projects is EUR 6.953.000  with a grant amount of minimum EUR 60.000 and maximum EUR 200.000 with intensities of up to 70% of the eligible costs.

The approved projects must be implemented no later than: 30.04.2016.

The EEA & Norway grants mechanism has shown very good results so far on the Romanian market, during both its financial cycles (2007-2009 si 2009-2014), with a very high absorption rate among the programmes addressing the private sector. We encourage you to use this opportunity.

For more information please check:

→ Detailed funding programme presentation

→ Examples of successful projects.